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J:  what’s your name, boy?

D: dale william schmitt

J: what’s your age kid.

D: bout to be 15

J: what’s your deal with skateboarding?

D: I DON’T KNOW, its an addiction

as much as you hate it you love it twice as much

J: yeh. Howed you get into skateboarding?

D: my aunt bought me a k-mart board fo my b-day like 6 years ago

D: been skatin since

J: that’s along time to be skateing. Hoe does it effect your life?

D: my life affects my skating

J: how’s your family deal with this hobby?

J: are they supportive

D: yea there ok

J: you into them sponsers and stuff like that, comps, etc.

D: nope to much stress for comps used to do the

me and steve held it down at kingpin back in the day but no, not anymore

no sponsers, just smarts and my grandpa kevin

J: haha yeah. Of course. where do you see yourself in the future of skateboarding.

D: i don’t ill be a cripple old man putting skate stoppers on my life

J: haha GOod. Peace.

D: Iight mayn. Peace

PurE GangsteR

