J: whats your name, boy.
T: its anthony huffnagle
J: whats your deal with skateboarding? Do you do it like religiously or what.
T: yeah i think so
J: do you have any cool skateboarding sponcers?
T: almost under ground but almost only counts with horse shoes and hand grenades
J:DO you think your good enough or should have some sponcers?
T:hell YEAH!
J:you shredd pretty nice on a skateboard, ive seen you in action.
Are you usually bothered by kids who think they know you just because they have heard of you and yourtalents?
T:yeah they love
so in other words yeah
J: are you bothered by that?
T: poop?
J: haha
T: next
J: who got you into skateboarding?
T: my brother
thanks melvin
J: nice. how is that, does he skate?
T: he did but now hes got other things cuz hes an adult
like a kid on the way
J: does skateboarding have an effect on your family relations?
T: yeah
im super close to my cuz chris cuz me and him started together
hes the man
J: how about your parents and stuff.
T: no
J: does it have an effect?
T: they'RE supportive
J: thats straight. Do you ever have days where you just totally feel like giving up on skateboarding and moving
on to something else?
T: yeah, just today i blasted my self in the head with my shoe and punched my board
J: haha, thats not funny
T: yeah it is
J: haha sounds great. yes it is funny.
J: do you have ay specific likes and dislikes toward skateboarding?
T: i like posers
there fucken great
J: ha cool
trick wise though, what do you like?
T: hmm
you mean like my fav trick?
J: favorite trick, and specific types of tricks you like, i guess?
whatkind of skate spots do you like to skate
T: switch flips and tre flips fo sho
sets and ledges
J: nice.
are you into contests and comps at all?
T: no
i cant bust it out under pressure
J: aw yeh i hear ya. have you ever been hurt
T: yeah
rolled ankle flat ground switch flip in nikes
J: ha. Hows gettin around to skatespots without a car? it gets frustrating sometimes right?
T: hell yeah !
thats why i love sam
J: haha yeh.
do you ever feel pressure from your friends, like you have to be better?
T: naw
not at all
J:skateboarding should be fun .strictly.
T: i like when my friends are better, cuz then i can feed of them, and get better
J: i feel ya.
T: ok i think thats enough
J: one more
J: Haha.where do you
see yourself in the future of skateboarding?
T: uhh im moving to n.y city with steve when i get out of high school and taken it from there
J: good deal.
does your "oreo" like skin color effect you in the world of skateboarding?
T: naw, but im
more like a cracked in half oreo cuz if i was a full one i would be a white man trying to get out of a black mans body. HAHA.